Manoj Nayak

No Whataboutery

Sep 7, 2024
Manoj Nayak
Also, known as tutu-mein mein(you you -me me).The little known fact if you have been living under a rock is that “Jiski lathi, uski bais” means the the person who has the stick, owns the buffalo, so please wasting your energy in having it your way.
IN my early days, I was entitled, I felt I that I was equal to everyone or atleast the people who I knew. So I argued and argued, while others who knew I was wrong kept quiet, they didn’t need to argue, they knew they had the power. A silent effective power, which doesn’t need any argument. I on the other hand made a fool of myself and kept arguing my POV and kept wondering, why didn’t the other side bend down and tell me “oh, manoj! You are so intelligent, you are always right and you present arguments in such a way that we have to concede defeat.” But I had missed the memo of “Jiski lathi uski bais”. I never felt acknowledged for my better thinking. I came out feeling like a pedantic fool at the other end, who read a few books more and could argue eloquently but in the pragmatic world, the one who wields power wins. Remember ultimately the person or the side which wins writes history, so I lost all my arguments, cause I didn’t have power to back it up.
Now I’m much older and wiser, I don’t get into arguments with people who have power. My strategy is to wait and watch, give a lot of time to see if my ideas are practical and predictions if true will prove them in coming days, weeks, months or years if not decades.